Shreyas Prakash
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Surely Joking, Mr. Feynman!

By: Richard P. Feynman Read: February 2, 2025 Rating: 6/10

Richard Feynman’s memoir “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” reveals a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was as famous for his mischievous antics as his scientific brilliance.

From picking locks in Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project to playing bongo drums in a Brazilian samba band, Feynman consistently defied the stereotype of the serious, socially awkward scientist. His irreverent approach to life—whether cracking safes, frequenting strip clubs, or pulling pranks on colleagues—was inextricably linked to his creative scientific mind.

The book suggests that genius and eccentricity often feed each other in a virtuous cycle. Feynman’s refusal to be constrained by social conventions gave him the freedom to think beyond scientific conventions as well.

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