Do's and Don'ts of User Research
21 Jun, 2023 · 1 minute read
Some principles which I follow while doing user-centered design:
- Involving users early in the product development process makes products intuitive and fosters loyalty. It is essential to zoom out and follow a constant process of hypothesis testing, MVP development, review, and refinement. Preparation of research requires a clear goal and involvement of the research team.
- Utilize both qualitative and quantitative methods, such as focus groups, feedback forms, automated surveys, and metrics dashboards. A/B testing enables data-driven decisions by testing specific changes. Usability testing should be scenario-based, with users sitting in front, encouraging them to think aloud.
- Empathy plays a crucial role in understanding user perspectives. Tailor questions based on whether they are asked individually or in a group. Be attentive, consider gender dynamics, and prompt users to share their thoughts and expectations. Observing users and thinking aloud during the observation process yield valuable insights.
- Avoid using “how did you” and replace it with “how would you like to” for a user-centered approach. Debriefing is a vital part of the research process. By incorporating these user testing skills, you can build a strong foundation for user-centric product development and improve the overall user experience.