As a Rails enthusiast, I've always wanted a better deployment solution to house my hobby projects. It was not that there was no good solution available: We have AWS, Heroku, Hatchbox, Fly, and various other such PaaS alternatives.
All these PaaS providers were ultimately wrappers sitting on top of the SaaS applications, and I felt that one could do away with this. The opening keynote by DHH on Rails World 2024 seemed messianic, as he was talking about the same issue of wrappers on top of other wrappers, spiking up the cost of deploying even simple apps. What made this keynote exciting was the unravelling of Kamal, and how it abstracts the complexity of deployment out of the picture.
Builders have to build. Builders don't have to necessarily be DevOps engineers to build. I was tempted to try this sooner, as I was painfully frustrated by my experience in deploying Rails app on Heroku.
In the following blog/tutorial, I'll take you through my process of deploying a Rails 8 app on Hetzner VPS using Kamal 2, deploying directly to the Hetzner VPS.
- I chose SQLite as the database for production (as this comes as a defacto standard for Rails 8 applications).
- I chose Hetzner VPS, as it seemed to be the most cost effective solution (for ~4$/month) (Compared to Heroku which might even come to $300/month with the database addon costs)
Setting up Hetzner VPS
First step is to configure the Hetzner VPS in the right way. On Hetzner, spin up a basic server. From the Cloud Console, choose the location of a server closer to your residence. For the operating system for your VPS, I chose Ubuntu (as that's a popular Linux OS, and therefore easier to find help online for debugging). For type, I chose Shared vCPU, as it's easier and cheaper (I chose the x86 architecture). Regarding networking options, I chose both Public IPv4, and Public IPv6 addresses. I then added an SSH key for me to authenticate into the server from my local environment (more secure than password authentication). I also selected Backups as an option since we're going to use sqlite3 as a database in production environment. (SQlite are single file databases, and hence are more susceptible to data losses). After all these steps, you give your server a name, and then pay for the nominal fee to get it live.
I also did a gut check to see if I'm able to enter the Hetzner VPS on my local machine with this command:
ssh root@[ip-address]
I also set up private/public SSH keys and added the public key to my Hetzner VPS for authentication while logging into my root server on Hetzner.
Cloudflare for DNS/SSL management
If we already have a website domain, the next step here is to add the relevant nameservers from the place you purchased. In my case, I'd purchased my website on, so I added the nameservers from namecheap, so that Cloudflare is able to handle the DNS itself. After this step, under the SSL/TLS section, I give the option to have Full encryption. Under Edge Certificate, ensure that the Always Use HTTPS and Automatic HTTPS rewrites is checked as active.
I updated the DNS settings on Cloudflare as follows:
A (DNS only | auto TTL) [] points to [hetzner-ipv4-address]
A (DNS only | auto TTL) [] points to [hetzner-ipv4-address]
A (DNS only | auto TTL) [] points to [hetzner-ipv4-address]
AAAA (DNS only | auto TTL) [] points to [hetzner-ipv6-address]
AAAA (DNS only | auto TTL) [] points to [hetzner-ipv6-address]
AAAA (DNS only | auto TTL) [] points to [hetzner-ipv6-address]
Now that we have setup an active Hetzner VPS, as well as connected the website domain to Cloudflare, we can move on to the next step, which is to setup the Rails app.
Setting up a Rails 8 app
I setup a vanilla Rails 8 installation for this demo purpose.
rails new [app-name]
cd [app-name]
bundle install
I then generated some controllers and view files for my Rails app, so that I could view a 'hello world' when I'm accessing the website homepage.
rails g controller Home index
While deploying, I was facing errors as the net-pop gem was not compatible with ruby 3.3.3 version. While searching for internet solutions, I found this github issue which helped me resolve the bug. Long story short, I had to update the relevant Gemfile.lock lines:
After setting this all up, I then did a local deployment just to be sure about everything working together as expected.
Setting up Kamal deployment
The next step now was to setup the deployment to point the Rails 8 app to the Hetzner VPS. This was enabled through Kamal, the new deployment tool from Rails team. Before we proceed with Kamal, we would need an account on DockerHub. After account creation, once we go to the settings, we are provided a Docker Access Token which can then be saved and used later as a KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD
This stores this in a secure fashion for the Kamal wrapper to make use of.
After this step, we update the Dockerfile ensuring that the /storage folder is also added as a directory for the database.
After all these changes, we save the files and add git version control to it: git init
, git add .
and then git commit -m "new"
Also ensure that you docker login
to autheticate, and make sure that Docker Desktop app is running so that you could dockerize the application. After this,
kamal init
docker login
kamal setup
kamal deploy
And you're done!
After running these commands, your Rails 8 application should be successfully deployed on your Hetzner VPS, accessible via your configured domain name. The entire setup process shows how modern deployment tools like Kamal can simplify complex DevOps tasks.
Some key takeaways:
- Cost-effectiveness: At roughly $4/month on Hetzner VPS, this solution is significantly more economical than traditional PaaS providers like Heroku, which can run up to $300/month with database add-ons.
- Simplified DevOps: Kamal abstracts away much of the complexity involved in containerization and deployment, making it accessible even for developers with limited DevOps experience.
- Production-Ready: With Cloudflare handling SSL and DNS management, and Docker ensuring consistent environments, this setup is robust for production.