

10 posts

Brand treatments, Design Systems, Vibes

The usual approach to a brand design system involves compiling a list of font families, typography guidelines, color palettes and patterns. However, this is falling short. We're missing a crucial piece in the jigsaw puzzle — brand treatments.

Everything is a prioritisation problem

When it comes to building a product, everything is a prioritisation problem. We might be building things right, but are we building the right thing? The journey of prioritisation begins way before the actual process of prioritisation starts. I would start by asking these key questions to the product leadership...

Design that's so bad it's actually good

Recently, a relative sought my help to tweak a badly designed poster on Microsoft Paint. This was meant to be circulated on Whatsapp as an advertisement for the handyman services his friend was offering in his locale. He wanted to ‘jazz’ it up and asked if I could help. I...

Products need not be user centered

Putting the user first has always been the golden rule in design. It’s so common that nobody really questions it anymore. We’re told, ‘The user knows best. Listen to them.’ I’ve had my skepticism about the framing of the term — user-centered design. I’ve kept myself from...

Making Nielsen’s heuristics more digestible

Jakob Nielsen’s heuristics are probably the most-used usability heuristics for the design of interfaces. If you go to their website, you might encounter these dry prescriptive statements as shown in the image. Recently came across this blog by Michael Prestonise and loved the way he had repurposed the old...

How to arrive at on-brand colours?

While creating a brand, one of the hardest things to do is to arrive at the right set of colors. Colors are a tricky subject—when done incorrectly, the emotions get mismatched, and in the worst of situations, the brand might just seem all over the place. Think of the...

Personal Observation Techniques

When I first started doing design observations, there was ABSOLUTELY no structure. I just went ahead to observe the surroundings and talking to as many people as I can. Although I did get some insights from this process, I realised that there could be a better way. There are three...

A Primer to Service Design Blueprints

I’ve found this exercise very valuable when it comes to mapping both the frontstage and backstage of any product/service. It’s a terrible tool to communicate what the product/service looks like. If you squint your eye and look at it, you might see an array of sticky...

Rapid Journey Prototyping

As a product manager who also pitches in as a service designer at Noora Health, i sometimes do wonder how I could use most of the design methods I’m applying at my day job for myself. Let’s take the methodology of Service Design Blueprinting for example. It involves...

Do's and Don'ts of User Research

Some principles which I follow while doing user-centered design: 1. Involving users early in the product development process makes products intuitive and fosters loyalty. It is essential to zoom out and follow a constant process of hypothesis testing, MVP development, review, and refinement. Preparation of research requires a clear goal...

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