Modern Software

Modern Software

10 posts

Virtuoso Guide for Personal Memory Systems

Sometimes, forgetting is good for your memory. If you are forgetting the concepts at a 'spaced interval' in a conscious way, you might actually make your memory more concrete. This could be best illustrated by the repetition curve graph below: Our memory is prone to logarithmic decays as...

Publish Originally, Syndicate Elsewhere

Writing for yourself on your personal website is the purest form of self-expression on the internet. It avoids any trappings from the algorithmic maze. And there are no digital echo chambers. It's just you and your ideas in your own cozy little garden. We're witnessing the...

Idea in the shower, testing before breakfast

Imagine having an idea in the shower and testing it before breakfast. That's our reality now. AI lets you prototype at the speed of thought. I use Claude Projects and Cursor to build what I call disposable apps - quick prototypes that prove a point. The magic? No...

Frightening Tech versus Big Daddy Regulators

Let's take a clear pond flourishing with various aquatic plants — water lilies, duckweeds, water milfoils, you name it. The variety of these plants provide a delicate balance, feeding the pond with nutrients, and this very natural filtration system. The algae still tries to outcompete the aquatic plants, but...

Deploying Home Cooked Apps with Rails

As a Rails enthusiast, I've always wanted a better deployment solution to house my hobby projects. It was not that there was no good solution available: We have AWS, Heroku, Hatchbox, Fly, and various other such PaaS alternatives. All these PaaS providers were ultimately wrappers sitting...

Brand treatments, Design Systems, Vibes

The usual approach to a brand design system involves compiling a list of font families, typography guidelines, color palettes and patterns. However, this is falling short. We're missing a crucial piece in the jigsaw puzzle — brand treatments.

How does AI affect UI?

Our online conversations have been increasingly life-like, but yet life-less at the same time. The UI of apps have become more conversational and chat-like in nature. Not just apps, even websites have their own chat-like interfaces on the side.

Pluginisation of Modern Software

Transitioning from Adobe to Figma was a big change for me in my design journey. At that time, the whole design ecosystem was revolving around Adobe. For image manipulation, you had Photoshop, Illustrator for vector graphics, Indesign for reports, XD for website or app prototypes and so on. When Figma...

Startups are a fertile ground for risk taking

Startups are interesting even if most startups fail. I’ve found Patrick Collinson’s argument to be the most convincing: “Part of the reason startups resonate with people is because the outcome is not guaranteed. If it were guaranteed, it would be boring… Whether or not you’re the best...

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